What's going on here:

Congratulations. You've unfortunately found Tobey's blog
on this internet "web page" you will find some things that Tobey made — and also some of his thoughts & feelings on important "hot topics" like the ETHernet 3, blocks and the chains, and of course, Not Fundigdable Tokens
buckle your seatbelts because thats the only way you survive a horrific train wreck

Monday, October 31, 2022

Collection - Totally Useless Flashcards

Tobey's special flashcards

So people have been telling Tobey all his life, “Tobey, you need to follow your dreams.” But its really hard to remember dreams so Tobey made some flashcards. If he studies them all the time, maybe that will lead to life purpose, being famous on Tweeter, fancy cheese boards, & writing a book that Oprah says everybody should read. 

What happens:

Tobey makes a flashcard. There's gonna be 3. Imagine they're wrapped in foil and you're super excited to open them and then it turns out that, bummer, they are NOT pokieman cards.

Whats going on in there?:

It looks like Tobey here has some "reoccurring" themes in his dreamerworlds. Sigmand Froid would calls these "repressed sexy things" but he did a ton of cocaine so let's ignore that and just call them "ICONS"

Whats the big deal about an ICON?:

Every once in a bluemoon while, Tobey will release a special


on the collection page. 

Whatever computer coin wallet owns that ICON will receive 50% of the first sale of any flashcard containing that ICON. The first icon is a bottle. Everytime Tobey here dreams about a bottle and puts it in one of his flashcards, that lucky computer coin owner gets sent 1/2 the first sale. It's like if somebody gave Tobey here a packet of poptarts, he's gonna give you one of those poptarts. an entire poptart  thats pretty generous if you ask Tobey.

What if theres two or more ICON owners in a flashcard:

The total number of Tobey flashcards owned by the floppydisk wallet will determine who gets the 50%. If it is a tie then there will be a flash jeopardy contest hosted by Tobey on Twitter and it will be a really great time. 

Tobey, I don't think I want to pay anything for these indexcard drawings of your inner thoughts and feelings:

Of course you dont. Tobey will periodically do SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS on Tweeter based on a riddle that involves the entire flashcard collection. The winner gets a free Tobey flashcard that you can, like most pamphlets given out in public places, throw away immediately.

More updates will be added to this blogger place as this project continues to get: 
  • painfully complicated
  • convoluted 
  • cat walks on keyboard

Check it all out on the "OpenSeas"

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